Protecting Our Families
Ready to Serve
Wyatt Rampy for State Senate 20
Ensuring a Prosperous Future for Tennessee
Exceptional Schools
We need to create an environment for all students to attain an education that enables them the opportunity to pursue wealth and upward mobility.
Parent-directed choice in how their child is educated
Increased pay for teachers and substitutes
Expanded access to tutoring and counseling
Teacher apprenticeships
Incentive-based pay for underperforming schools
Expanded magnet schools
Expand access to trade schools
Safe Communities
Safe, livable communities allow all people to feel secure and live life freely without fear.
Fully staffed and supported police force
Increased funding for mental health professionals
Incentivize new local strategies to combat homelessness
Tougher bail and sentencing guidelines for violent crimes
Thriving Economy
The bedrock of any flourishing community is a thriving, robust, and stable local economy, allowing for new job opportunities and improved standard of living.
Maintain a welcoming environment for families and business
Invest now in infrastructure to support the future growth we know is coming.
Encourage and protect small business from burdensome regulations
Expand and incentivize employer-sponsored technical training
Tennessee State Senate 20
Tennessee State Senate 20 wraps around downtown Nashville and includes parts of:
Belle Meade
Forest Hills
Meet Wyatt
Wyatt Rampy is the founder and president of Poplar Hill Realty Company which was opened in 2004. Located in Bellevue, Poplar Hill Realty is a residential brokerage serving clients throughout Middle Tennessee. His background was primarily in banking, first with Sovran Bank and later with Bankers Trust. He has been married to Wendy since 1997. They have one son, three daughters, and two spoiled dogs. He serves on the boards of the Bellevue Community Foundation, Nashville Christian School, God’s Word for Warriors, and World Christian Broadcasting. He is also an elder at Bellevue Church of Christ.